Can't regenerate thumbnails

Hello. I’ve been working with Stagsi for a while now and have been enjoying it. However, lately I’ve encountered a bug I thought was worth reporting. Initially the problem started at around 4000-5000 objects and is still persisting at around ~20,000. No thumbnails have been generating for any newly added GIFs or PNGs. When I go to regenerate the thumbnails, the program crashes. I’ve tried reverting to earlier versions and still have the same issue. Any help?

(windows 11)

Also - is there anyway to change multiple objects to the same thumbnail? Meaning, can I select, let’s say, 100~ objects at the same time and then change all of their thumbnails at one? (to the same selected image of course)

I fixed the regenerating thumbnails thing by moving the database I was working on to the root database in the %appdata% folder (the database that opens when you first launch Stagsi).
The program closed like before but regenerated the thumbnails like intended.

But if anyone has any advice on selecting multiple objects and changing the thumbnails all at once, let me know…

Sorry for not replying earlier.

I’ve seen numerous reports of this and that being broken on Windows 11. Sadly, we are unable to address this in the foreseeable future. It seems Stagsi’s version of Net has compatibility issues with Windows 11 (for no reason, if you ask me).

Standard UI (the F3 dialog) only allows changing one object’s thumbnail at a time. However, thanks to Stagsi using regular files and folders, you can do so manually even if not as conveniently: close Stagsi and replace thumbnail files of objects of interest by hand. In other words, obtain their IDs (in the right-side Property Panel, Properties tab click on the copy button next to the Row Id input) and replace files in database\GROUP\tID.EXT, where GROUP is ID divided by 1000 and EXT is either jpg or png depending on what you’ve configured.

It’s fairly simple to automate this if you know some scripting or programming language: click on Tools → Customize, create, say, &Replace thumbnails.ps1 and make it invoke a file open dialog, then extract IDs using the SELECTION environment variable passed by Stagsi, replace tID.EXT files and restart Stagsi (that one is optional, you can restart later if you don’t mind seeing old thumbnails for a while).

You can read more about Tools in