Installer issues

I’ve been encountering a couple of problems with the installer for a while.

  1. It throws an exception. This seems related to unpacking the contents, but when I manually extract them from the SFX with 7zip it works fine.
   at N7z.N7zdec.DecodeStream(Stream stream, Int64 dataOffset, Int64 dataLength, Boolean extractAllEntries, List`1 entriesToExtract, N7zipArchiveInfo& info)
   at Soletude.Updater.Infrastructure.FilePackage.ExtractToDirectory7z(String sourceArchiveFileName, String destinationDirectory, String archiveDirectory, Nullable`1 offset, Nullable`1 length)
   at Soletude.Updater.Updater.FilesUpdater.Prepare(Nullable`1 offset, Nullable`1 length, String pipe, String archiveUrl)
   at Soletude.Updater.Updater.FilesUpdater.Update(String source, Nullable`1 offset, Nullable`1 length, Boolean uninstall, String destinationDirectoryName, Boolean useTxF, String comment, String pipe, String archiveUrl)
   at Soletude.Updater.Infrastructure.DataUpdater.ValidateAndUpdate(IProgramUpdater programUpdater, String source, Nullable`1 offset, Nullable`1 length, Boolean interactive, Boolean uninstall, String programDirectory, String pipe, String archiveUrl, Action afterUpdate)
   at Soletude.Updater.Infrastructure.DataUpdater.ProcessArchive(String packageSource, String archiveUrl, Nullable`1 offset, Nullable`1 length, Boolean interactive, Boolean uninstall)
   at Soletude.Updater.Program.ProcessInstallCommand(InstallCommand installCommand)
   at Soletude.Updater.Program.UpdaterMode()
   at Soletude.Updater.Program.Main(String[] args)
  1. The “Download this file” link for the .NET 4.6.2 runtime is no longer correct.

Thanks. I assume that’s on Win11?

As a workaround, you can simply open the installer as a 7-Zip archive (or download the archive from and extract the dist folder somewhere, renaming to Stagsi (or anything else really). The installer also creates shortcuts and association for .sqlite but that can be done by hand as well. Otherwise, it does no magic.

Correct, on Windows 11.