Hello, I’m Gamezopher. I will post a series of fan-made tutorials to get started with Stagsi. I should post 1 or 2 tutorial a week. I will begin with basic things and then I’ll share advanced tricks.
Lesson 01 - Managing Tags
Hello, I’m Gamezopher. I will post a series of fan-made tutorials to get started with Stagsi. I should post 1 or 2 tutorial a week. I will begin with basic things and then I’ll share advanced tricks.
Lesson 01 - Managing Tags
Trick #2 - Tagging Segments in a video with the VLC Player Stagsi Addon
As said in the video, Stagsi improved my life with the way I organize files and the following Stagsi Addon for VLC player works greatly to tag my videos. I’ve used the addon that is shared here: Addon: VideoLan Bookmarker for Stagsi